Free in Second Life

Some of Second Life's more 'permanent' freebies and prizes... I'll do my best to keep it up to date, but if you find any broken links or out of date references, please let me know so I can update.

Remember, if you're not spending money you might need to spend some time, whether it's hunting, waiting for your letter on a lucky chair, or camping!

Don't forget freebie etiquette - designers appreciate thank yous as much as the rest of us, and if you like your prize,  come back and spend some lindens when you get them, and tell your friends to help sustain their business. If you don't like your prize, simply forget it and graciously move on.

Also, please let me know if you come across a place I should add.

Unless otherwise stated, gifts are for females (sorry guys).

Free silks
Free gowns
Freebie stations
Free hair
Free skins & eyes
Free for men
Other tips

Free silks (and more)
This section checked and updated May 2013
Angelwing - free to group members

Angelwing - Half the store is currently reduced to 25L, the other half is free to group members (join fee 50L).

Beautiful Sin  -  Five lucky chairs, can be silks or contemporary clothing.

Creative Chaos - Great value for money and generous with gifts which can be silks or gowns. Two  lucky chairs, a midnight mania board, three group gifts at a time (new one every month, and group is free to join), dollarbies and freebies.  Plus, outfits start from 19L... and they they look anything but cheap.

D&T Design - Two MM boards, can be difficult to lock. There are six, now helpfully grouped together on the ground floor.

Lucky board prize from Delicious
Delicious - A new group gift every month, with six months worth out at any time. Can be gifts for slave, free or panther. Also, in the slave room, there are two MM boards and two lucky chairs... plus there's a further lucky board in the panther room and in the FW/gown room. At the moment, there's a group gift skin in the skin room also! Men's store Tough has some gifts for the guys.

Deviance - At the landing point, there's a lucky flower for petites and a dollarbie fae outfit for biggies. Down in the basement there's a lucky chair and a lucky dip, where you could win silks, a gowns, fae outfits or various costumes.

Earth and Gor Couture - Two free monthly group gift, one for slaves, one for FW. You can avoid paying 1L (which *is* refunded) if you right-click and 'touch' the board, then select 'deliver' on the menu.  A lucky chair too.

FallnAngel Creations silks floor lucky chair - there's a midnight mania board on the other side of the room too, prizes are changed first day of the month or thereabouts, and first or second day of the new prize is the best time to lock them.

FallnAngel Creations ground floor lucky chair  - usually has a set of silks among the rotating prizes. There's also a random prize giver so you could get something 'just for being there', and a daily prezzie rezzer.
Floor Candy group gift 'Tattered'

Floor Candy - Group gift Tattered could work for slave or panther. Upstairs there are two lucky chairs, plus a group-only MM board (/5) (group is free to join) and a lucky dip.  Occasional gifts get sent out in the group notices and there's regular hunt participation too.

Gem Designs - Midnight mania, lucky chair, and sometimes hunt prizes.

Les Encantades - The fantasy outfitters have four lucky boards (seems to be two for slaves, two for FW) plus a group gift and sometimes hunt prizes.

Lions and Butterflies - Four lucky chairs with outfits for slaves and free women, plus a midnight mania that had some furniture on it when I visited. At the entrance to the adjoining market, there are various free roleplay items laid out, such as starter sets for male and female scribes.

Lorien - On a recent visit, there were at least four group gifts out (group is free to join), including silks, camisk and a Free Woman gown. Some cheapies outside too, including male outfits, silks for 20L, and a 7-pack of eyes for 15L.

Port Haifa - There's a newly expanded range of gifts here, including free gifts from Pekas, Shack, Delicious, and Velvet Whip. Goodies for slaves, free women, and men, plus some roleplay items. A midnight mania features non-clothing items. Have a look around the market - the vendor of the fortnight usually puts some gifts out, and there may be others at individual stalls. Haifa freebies in the market are usually in barrels.

Second Moon - Some amazing outfits on the lucky chair, which changes every 5 minutes. Sometimes Moon even sneaks in one of her very recent releases for a limited time! The lucky chair is open to all, but there is also a 'Gorean Lucky Chairs Alerts' group founded by Moon. there's a fee to join this but the occasional gifts are wonderful and you get alerted to freebies on lucky chairs and midnight mania boards all over the grid.
Soedara - old group gift, now 1L

Soedara - The greeter will offer you a gift on arrival. Occasional group gifts which then become part of the cheapie wall, featuring lots of dollarbies including silks, camisks, jewelry and a BTB outfit. There's a lucky chair too.

The Shack - If you're a Shack groupie, either VIP 'Diamond' or regular 'Sugar' group, you are spoiled with lucky boards and mini-manias, plus discounts, but group joining fees do apply. If you're not a group member, you can still pick up the permanent gifts placed in the gift room, plus have a go at the rabbit hutch lucky dip, cupcake, and the tag and win board. Prizes include gowns, silks, male outfits, and panther gear. ADULT SIM.

Shack @ Insel Anago -  One lucky board, open to all. Various items of slave clothing. ADULT SIM.

Slave Dressing Room -  Creations from Cristine Easterling, who produces the wonderful ღSlave blog. Join the group for 'Cristine Easterling's blog' (fee is 10L) and head to the group rooms inside and upstairs to grab lots of gifties. (The store is split into a mainstream clothing building and a slave building.)  Lucky boards outside too.
Sweet Lies - Eight MM boards, eight lucky boards, several camp chairs and a lucky dip! Various prizes for slaves, panthers, and free women.

Temptress Designs - Two midnight mania boards, with silks, camisks/lingerie or contemporary clothes. ADULT SIM.

Velvet Whip - Usually has group gift silks or slave outfit. Also two free gift outfits - one for a village woman, and the other a simple kajira outfit.

Free Gowns and other stuff

Arwen's Creations - No gowns, but a 'Free Woman's Essentials Kit' including tintable modesty layers, shawls, veils, and slippers.

Destiny's Designs - Two lucky chairs featuring fantasy (gowns!) and science fiction clothing for men and women, usually a few hunt prizes too.

An apple-bob prize from Deviance
Deviance - At the landing point, there's a lucky flower for petites and a dollarbie fae outfit for biggies. Down in the basement there's a lucky chair and a lucky dip, where you could win silks, a gowns, fae outfits or various costumes.

FallnAngel Creations dresses - Lucky chair, and MM board just around the corner.

FallnAngel Creations kimono - Lucky chair and midnight mania. The midnight mania doesn't always lock, try early in the month - 1st or 2nd usually the best bets.

FallnAngel Creations Suits - One for the men - or for adventurous females, as a lot of the FallnAngel suits and outfits could be considered unisex. There's a lucky chair and MM board on the Falln Suits floor. Note: These aren't your workaday suits - they're fantastical creations, and could have a medieval, baroque or Victorian flavor.

Madison's Creations -  Two free medieval gowns, and a male outfit too.

The.Plastik - Slap the subscribo for a free gift outfit, and watch out for the 10L$ gift boxes. There are often lots of free gifts around Halloween and Christmas and regular hunt participation.

Rag Dollz - A huge variety on offer here - gowns, burlesque, steampunk, even the occasional bellydance outfit. Two midnight mania boards upstairs, some lucky boards, midnight mania and a lucky dip around the store... There are some freebies scattered about too, including some for men.

Taliesin's Tails - Merfolk should check out the pile of freebies which includes a basic mer AO, tails aplenty, a trident, pearls, make-up and various other bits and bobs. Mania boards and lucky boards too.

One of the weekly gifts from
The White Armory
The White Armory - TWA really are ridiculously generous. You have to ask to join the group  (details in-store) but once you do, you can pick up a new group gift gown every week. Men get gifts too, but not quite so often :)

Wishbox - 'Fantasy Clothier' has an MM board and a lucky chair, usually featuring gowns, or fae outfits. You can grab some free gift fairy wings while you're there too!

See also Angelwing, Creative Chaos, Delicious, Kirina's Creations, Lions and Butterflies, Port Haifa, The Shack,   Shack @ Insel Anago, Sweet Lies, Vigo, YM Dezignz,     

Freebie Stations

While they don't usually have much for RP wear, these places are great 'one stop shops' for anyone on a bargain hunt. Should definitely be checked out by any new avatars.

Depraved Nation Depot - This is new! Some nice stuff here, including a skin from Modish,  eyes and a goth-loli dress from Adoness, tops from Sassy! and Razorblade Jacket. You'll need to join the Depraved Events group to get the gifts. More info and previews on the Depraved Nation blog. Also on this sim, the Plastik satellite store has some gifts.

FabFree Station - You can pick up anything here - clothes, shoes, skins, you name it. There's even a gift from now defunct silks designers Silk & Satyr right here.

The Free Dove - Mainstream clothes, shoes, a great selection of  jewelry, free skins and shapes, and free hair.

Womenstuff - Another lounge for group members, packed to the rafters with gifts from great designers. As of Feb 2012, it included gifts from roleplay designers Pekas and Tamiron Forge.  There's a pile of Menstuff goodies for the chaps too.

Violet Mafia HQ - Join the Violet Mafia group, tp over the HQ, and help yourself to a bundle of goodies from great stores like Sassy!, Bliensen + Maitai, Modish and more. Skins, clothes, AO and shoes all available.

Shop Free*Style - I've put this one last because a lot of what's there isn't free, rather 10L, 25L or 50L. But there are some very nice items such as a skin from Pink Fuel for 50L. There are some freebies though, like the Persephone outfit from Adoness and a skin from Adore & Abhor.

Port Haifa - Not a traditional freebie station, but a nice place for roleplayers (particularly Goreans) to pick up a few items. Gifts include clothing from The Shack, female skin and clothes for both sexes from Delicious, male and female clothes from PeKas, plus various pieces of furniture and roleplay props. Slap the subscribo for and PHP furniture & roleplay props will land straight in your inventory! The rotating Vendor of the Week will usually have a limited time freebie out too.

Free hair

Alli & Ali - some hair gifts in-store and loads more around the grid on 'team sport' vendors (like midnight mania, but they only reset when the target's been reached).

Analog Dog - There's a 'freeball' variety pack of 8 different hairs (various colours and styles) on the AD island outside the main store. You'll also find some wearable colour demos here.

Argrace -  group gifts include a female hair in nine colours (with or without earmuff options included). There's also a rose hair comb and baseball cap accessories.

booN - has some shorter, bob-type hair styles. One is a freebie, the others are group gifts (free to join).
Group gift hair from D!va

Damselfly - free male and female hair, plus some group gifts.

D!va - hair store with some great group gifts, free poses too. The latest gift, and two lucky boards, are on the stairs.

Eater's Coma - Free to join group, with three fab gifts: two fat packs of hair, and one mesh dress.

Emo-Tions -  Mirja Mills's store has a selection of gift hairs, and a wall full of gift hairs and clothes for group members... and while you're there you can check out the amazing roleplay outfits.

Lamb - Three free fatpacks of hair as colour testers, plus a long hair in an ombre shade (dark roots, blonde ends) as a subscriber gift.
Free hair at Lamb

Kin - have put out a box of older hairs as a freebie, includes some for men. Some free tops right alongside (ignore the price on the box).

Milana - has a free short-ish style for women

Mina - giftbag contains a black ponytail hair style for women (there's a giftbag for VIP group members also, but it is 200L to join).

Free low-lag av, inc hair,
from The.Plastik

Raspberry Aristocrat - Free fatpack of a flexi hair style for women

(red)mint - Free 'colour demo' mesh hair (basically fatpacks of two styles!) plus some group gifts.There are also group gifts (free to join) in the skin and clothing departments.

Rosy Mood - have a free fatpack of a pigtails style for females

Zero Style - Two shorter length bob/shag hair styles as freebies, and a shoulder-length style as a group gift.

Truth Hair - Sign up to the subscribo, occasional gifts get sent out

Tuty's - Some free hair and clothes in the freebie room, plus 3 free skins in the skin store

**Also, don't forget the Freebie Stations. FabFree Station in particular seems to have lots of skins, including from Aeva, Iren, Style by Kira and more!**

Free skins and eyes
This section checked Jan and updated July 2013

Aeva // Heartsick - the wonderfully generous Amesha dishes out gift skins with great regularity! Group is now free to join. Gifts for males and occasional hunt participation also.

Adam n Eve skins - Occasional group gifts, plus they give sample eyes and sometimes makeups as demos for their range. Male and female.

Al Vulo - Very popular, a free, high-quality group gift skin. Usually updated every month. Group is free to join.

Essences -  Have changed up their store and now offer a female skin as a subscribo gift.

Group gift skin from Filthy

Filthy - Filthy skin store has re-opened, and there's a group beautiful female skin as group gift. Join the group now while it's free (before closure, there had been join fee, but with a gift skin every month).

Ikon - Make some of the most popular eyes in SL. For the first week of every month, there's a pair of eyes set out for a group gift. Free to join.

Kooqla - make amazingly artistic hand-drawn skins. There's a free skin for group members (in a grey shade, so for editorial or fantasy). There's now a 10L fee to join the group.

Group gift from Lara Hurley Skins

Lara Hurley Skins - The group is free to join and offers a group gift female skin. 

Mayfly - Have a staggering range of system and mesh eyes.  A pair of grey/blue eyes are available as a free sample, plus join the group 'Keshie' for the group gift upstairs (changed every few months) and to access the lucky chair!

Modish - the group has a 10L join fee, and there's a skin gift (not sure yet if it's monthly etc). There's also a discount room with skins starting from 10L.

Mojo - Group's free to join, and there's a female skin gift. Updated every so often.

Nvious - Group gift (might be monthly) and a couple of MM boards (quite a high target though, /150)

Style by Kira - Four lucky boards with skins in the back room of the store (one for men)
Mother Goose dollarbie skins

Mother Goose - More lucky boards than I can count! They change every 3 minutes too. A great place for newbies (and others!) to pick up some free skins. They recently put a basket of freebie  & dollarbie skins (most are free but a small number are dollarbies) outside the shop, and there's a couple more inside as well. Some male skins (teenage) on the boards also.

My UglyDorothy - Have a free female skin out

Panda Punx - Now have an in-world store, with a free to join group and lots of gift skins. Also some hunts when I visited.

Poetic Colours - Usually have a free gift pair of eyes out.

Rockberry - Skin store with a bank of 5 lucky boards, plus 3 more around the store.

Shine - Group gift female skin (free to join)

Target - sign up to the subscribo and check the history - gift skins for females get set out every so often

Tuty's - 3 free skins in the skin store, and some free hair and clothes in the freebie room.

Umeboshi - Join the free group and grab some group gift eyes and whimsical tights, and wait for the lucky boards to show your letter!

Vero Modero - Another shop with a wall full of group gifts (free to join). Gifts include full female avatars, contemporary oufits, and some which are a little more fantastical so could potentially be adapted for roleplay.

qbee - Various group gifts out, including a skin. Group is free to join. There's also a couple of 'lucky flowers' with accessories, shapes, and quirky little gifts up for grabs.

Free for men

Aeva // Heartsick - Group is free to join and there are male skins as gifts every so often. The gift at FabFree includes a male skin too.

FabFree HQ - As well as the Aeva/Heartsick skin mentioned above, you'll find gifts for men from Kmadd, Imagen, and more.

Port Haifa - Male roleplay outfits from Delicious/Tough and PeKas.

Tableau Vivant -There's a 50L group join fee, but the gifts are great. There's usually a male skin out. I actually joined this group for the fab photo prob/background 'The Crow Stage'.

Other tips

There are often gifts and freebies to be found at events like big events like Hair Fair or Pose Fair, and smaller events too such as those organised by 30L Events.

Keep an eye on blogs like Seraphim for notice of events, while The Good Gorean often has some great free or bargain picks for roleplayers. I also like Resa's Freebie Corner for news of gifts, freebies, hunts and sales.

The for Second Life Freebies rounds up some of the latest marketplace offers and blog posts, as does Elysium Hynes's Pinterest page.

There are lots of Midnight Mania groups in-world where you can recruit some assistance to lock boards, but unfortunately some of these have become quite spammy and people aren't as quick to respond to requests as they once wear. Nevertheless, it might be worth a try...

Have fun and happy hunting!


  1. Well done very helpful, found some great stuff thanks to you.

  2. thank youu very muchh im glad
