It's a really cute outfit which has already featured on a couple of blogs, so I'll keep it brief. Suffice to say you get two versions of the camisk, one PG for your babysitting tasks, the other a little more risque for whatever other duties you might need to fulfill!
To enhance your RP, the Lorraine camisk also comes with two wearable, animated props: a baby for you to rock, and a hairbrush to help you maintain your exquisite beauty. (Oh and there's a cheeky cherry mouthie too!)
But, whatever you do, don't drop the baby...

Slurl to Delicious
Skin: Jaci from Aeva//Heartsick
Shape: Self-made
Eyes: Amber Pitch (deep sky mesh) from Mayfly
Hair: Barbara (mesh) from Truth
Photos take on the Isle of the Lar Torvis Gorean RP sim: "The Isle of the Lar Torvis is a roleplay Gorean city, located in the Northern Thassa, due west by northwest of the Northern Forests, just south of the Island of Hulneth. Taking from the first book in the series written by John Norman, Tarnsman of Gor, we are an Island where the worship of the Tor tu Gor is allowed."
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