A little bird tells me the next round of the Genre event will be focusing on Gorean designers, which will probably interest many readers of this blog. It'll kick off on 15 February, so if you're into fantasy fashion and haven't spent all your lindens on virtual champagne, chocolates or furry pink handcuffs for your Valentine, check it out.
(Oops sorry, I had wrong start date earlier. 15th is the correct start date.)
Marbella Pronovost of Soedara very kindly sent me some previews of an outfit she'll be launching there. Selected colours of the brand-new Sekushii silks will be available at the very special price of 100L for the duration of the event. After that, they'll be full price at the mainstore.
She hasn't decided which colours she'll put out yet, so I randomly decided to photograph the green and brown, as they're colours I don't usually wear in silks, and also the red set, as it's the colour every kajira loves! I hope your own personal favourite, whatever it is, is included in the offers.
**Update: The promo colours will be green, purple, black, and white. I got one right!!**
The outift includes a head jewel and a dance veil, upper arm bands, sculpt top, plain and embellished necklaces, belly jewel and scripted silks. Click them to switch between a longer, fuller skirt, and a shorter, lighter one.
There'll be another item out as well - the necklace from the Earendil silks will be available separately for the first time. (You can see them worn in this post.) They're colourful, opulent, and striking, in fact, pretty darn fabulous. Must weigh a ton with all those jewels! Aren't you lucky the gravity on Gor is less than on earth...

I expect the event will be in the same place, so here's the slurl - Genre
Remember, the Gorean round doesn't start until 13 February. Currently, the fantasy round is in progress.
Skin: Curio - Stormy in Acorn [Light] Electrify
Shape: Tuty's - Gong Li (modified)
Hair: Truth - Clara
Eyes: ~Soedara~ Green eyes, realistic nature
Poses by Diesel Works
Photo taken at Pakeeza – India @ Shekhawati sim
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