Of course, this now means it's group discount day at Shack... as if you needed another reason to go shopping.
Maybe it's my mood, but walked away with two sets of black silks...
This is the first - Damley, which offers dazzling glamour and formal elegance.
Adult version after the jump!
The PG option consists of a black bra with beading detail, belt on clothing layer and a relatively full silk skirt, plus arm and chest silks of iridescent beads.
The adult option consists of those iridescent beads... and yup, that's it.

You've still got a couple of hours to grab them at 15% off from the group vendor outside the silks store.
Important: Make sure you're wearing your group tag, and buy from the special vendor. Discount applies Fridays only.
They're priced at 495L, but you'll be refunded 74L.
Shape - Glow shape [2.2] from Laqroki (modified)
Skin - Poppy in Nougat from Isis
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